Spring Rejuvenation Detox Retreat
with Petra Bensland, Verónica An, Stuart Clark & Rosa Asturias Rius

From 14/04/2024 to 21/04/2024

Spring is an ideal opportunity to rejuvenate and to cleanse the body, mind, and soul. It is ideal for anyone who is searching for more clarity of mind, lightness of being, to release stress, and truly take a break from their daily routine.

The Detox Yoga Retreat is designed to facilitate the letting go of old patterns and create the space for healing and nourishing of the physical and energetic body. Through yoga, qi gong, meditation, breathwork, and especially through food and education we will focus on detoxing the entire body.

Our days will start by cleansing the mind in meditation and detoxifying the body with a vibrant vinyasa practice. We will transition from light, local, and vegetarian meals into a 3 day detox juice cleanse in the middle of the retreat. There will be ample time for healing treatments, psychotherapy, and other cleansing rituals and bodywork. Afternoons and evenings will be focused on restorative yoga, sound healing, and yoga Nidra to continue the detoxification on more subtle and deeper levels. All in the beautiful and serene grounds of Cal Reiet Holistic Retreat.


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